SQL parser

Otázka od: Lebeda David

30. 9. 2002 13:26


hledam SQL parser, ktery mi z SQL dotazu (s joiny) dokaze sestavit seznam
tabulka-jmeno. Jinou funkcnost nepotrebuji.


select a.id, a.nazev, b.cena, c.* from tabulka1 a
left join tabulka2 b on bla bla
left join tabulka3 c on bla bla


tabulka1 id
tabulka1 nazev
tabulka2 cena
tabulka3 id
tabulka3 nazev
tabulka3 kategorie
tabulka3 atd.

Vim, ze k rozlozeni hvezdicky na seznam sloupcu je treba spoluprace SQL
to je OK. Vite nekdo o necem, co by aspon castecne resilo popsany problem? Ja
jsem sice neco stahl z internetu, ale na druhou stranu bych nerad stravil
nekolik dni
hledanim a zkousenim vsech nalezenych produktu.

D5E, FB1.0, IBX 4.52


David Lebeda

Odpovedá: Ondrej Kelle

30. 9. 2002 15:11

> hledam SQL parser, ktery mi z SQL dotazu (s joiny) dokaze
> sestavit seznam dvojic
> tabulka-jmeno. Jinou funkcnost nepotrebuji.
> Napr.
> select a.id, a.nazev, b.cena, c.* from tabulka1 a
> left join tabulka2 b on bla bla
> left join tabulka3 c on bla bla
> Vysledek:
> tabulka1 id
> tabulka1 nazev
> tabulka2 cena
> tabulka3 id
> tabulka3 nazev
> tabulka3 kategorie
> tabulka3 atd.
> Vim, ze k rozlozeni hvezdicky na seznam sloupcu je treba
> spoluprace SQL serveru,
> to je OK. Vite nekdo o necem, co by aspon castecne resilo
> popsany problem? Ja
> jsem sice neco stahl z internetu, ale na druhou stranu bych
> nerad stravil nekolik dni
> hledanim a zkousenim vsech nalezenych produktu.
> D5E, FB1.0, IBX 4.52

Ahoj, to, co Ti teraz poslem, nie je presne to, co si ziadal, ale predsa...
Kedze pises, ze pristup na server je OK, napadlo ma, ze mozes nechat server,
nech to rozparsuje pocas Prepare. isc_dsql_prepare totiz ponuka moznost
zistit info o stlpcoch, akurat TIBSQL tuto moznost nevyuziva a nepublikuje
Ako si pisal, * nie je mozne riesit bez pristupu na server. Nasledovny kod
sa teda moze hodit (ak Ti nevadi, ze pristupuje na server vzdy - aj v
pripade, ked SQL neobsahuje znak '*'):


  IB, IBHeader, IBIntf, IBExternals, IBSQL, IBXConst;

// modified version of TIBSQL.PreprocessSQL (no need to generate param
names, just return preprocessed SQL)
// - needed because both PreprocessSQL and FProcessedSQL are private

function PreprocessSQL(const SQL: string): string;
  cCurChar, cNextChar, cQuoteChar: Char;
  i, iLenSQL, iSQLPos: Integer;
  iCurState, iCurParamState: Integer;

  DefaultState = 0;
  CommentState = 1;
  QuoteState = 2;
  ParamState = 3;
  ParamDefaultState = 0;
  ParamQuoteState = 1;

  procedure AddToProcessedSQL(cChar: Char);
    Result[iSQLPos] := cChar;

  Result := '';
  { Do some initializations of variables }
  cQuoteChar := '''';
  iLenSQL := Length(SQL);
  SetString(Result, nil, iLenSQL + 1);
  i := 1;
  iSQLPos := 1;
  iCurState := DefaultState;
  iCurParamState := ParamDefaultState;
  { Now, traverse through the SQL string, character by character,
   picking out the parameters and formatting correctly for InterBase }
  while (i <= iLenSQL) do begin
    { Get the current token and a look-ahead }
    cCurChar := SQL[i];
    if i = iLenSQL then
      cNextChar := #0
      cNextChar := SQL[i + 1];
    { Now act based on the current state }
    case iCurState of
      DefaultState: begin
        case cCurChar of
          '''', '"': begin
            cQuoteChar := cCurChar;
            iCurState := QuoteState;
          '?', ':': begin
            iCurState := ParamState;
          '/': if (cNextChar = '*') then begin
            iCurState := CommentState;
      CommentState: begin
        if (cNextChar = #0) then
          IBError(ibxeSQLParseError, [SEOFInComment])
        else if (cCurChar = '*') then begin
          if (cNextChar = '/') then
            iCurState := DefaultState;
      QuoteState: begin
        if cNextChar = #0 then
          IBError(ibxeSQLParseError, [SEOFInString])
        else if (cCurChar = cQuoteChar) then begin
          if (cNextChar = cQuoteChar) then begin
          end else
            iCurState := DefaultState;
        { collect the name of the parameter }
        if iCurParamState = ParamDefaultState then
          if cCurChar = '"' then
            iCurParamState := ParamQuoteState
          else if not (cCurChar in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_', '$'])
            IBError(ibxeSQLParseError, [SParamNameExpected]);
        else begin
          { determine if Quoted parameter name is finished }
          if cCurChar = '"' then
            iCurParamState := ParamDefaultState;
            iCurState := DefaultState;
        { determine if the unquoted parameter name is finished }
        if (iCurParamState <> ParamQuoteState) and
          (iCurState <> DefaultState) then
          if not (cNextChar in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z',
                                '0'..'9', '_', '$']) then begin
            iCurState := DefaultState;
    if iCurState <> ParamState then

procedure GetQualifiedFieldNames(IBSQL: TIBSQL; FieldNames: TStrings);
  PreprocessedSQL: string;
  BufSize, ItemCount: Integer;
  I: Integer;
  if not Assigned(IBSQL) or not Assigned(IBSQL.Database) then

  PreprocessedSQL := PreprocessSQL(IBSQL.SQL.Text);

  // find out column count
  ItemCount := 0;
  BufSize := XSQLDA_LENGTH(ItemCount);
  Buf := AllocMem(BufSize);
    Buf^.version := SQLDA_VERSION1;
    Buf^.sqldabc := BufSize;
    IBSQL.Call(isc_dsql_prepare(StatusVector, IBSQL.TRHandle, @IBSQL.Handle,
0, PChar(PreprocessedSQL),
      IBSQL.Database.SQLDialect, Buf), True);
    ItemCount := Buf^.sqld;

  // allocate enough memory and try again
  if ItemCount > 0 then
    BufSize := XSQLDA_LENGTH(BufSize);
    Buf := AllocMem(BufSize);
      Buf^.version := SQLDA_VERSION1;
      Buf^.sqldabc := BufSize;
      Buf^.sqln := ItemCount;
      IBSQL.Call(isc_dsql_prepare(StatusVector, IBSQL.TRHandle,
@IBSQL.Handle, 0, PChar(PreprocessedSQL),
        IBSQL.Database.SQLDialect, Buf), True);

      for I := 0 to Buf^.sqld - 1 do
        with Buf^.sqlvar[I] do
          FieldNames.Add(Format('%s.%s', [relname, sqlname]));

  THackIBCustomDataSet = class(TIBCustomDataSet);

procedure GetQualifiedFieldNames(IBDataSet: TIBCustomDataSet; FieldNames:
TStrings); overload;

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  IBTransaction1.Active := True;
  GetQualifiedFieldNames(IBQuery1, Memo1.Lines);


Odpovedá: Ondrej Kelle

30. 9. 2002 17:24

V procedure GetQualifiedFieldNames som mal preklep, tu je oprava:

  // allocate enough memory and try again
  if ItemCount > 0 then
    // blbost: BufSize := XSQLDA_LENGTH(BufSize);
    BufSize := XSQLDA_LENGTH(ItemCount);
    Buf := AllocMem(BufSize);

Sorry za tu chybu,

Odpovedá: Jan Tungli

4. 10. 2002 9:49

Pozri SQL Parse na staranke www.Tsoft.szm.sk ale je to na BDE. Koz mozes
rozsirit a ziskat co chces.

   || -----Original Message-----
   || From: Lebeda David [mailto:david.lebeda@comarr.cz]
   || Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 12:51 PM
   || To: delphi-l@clexpert.cz
   || Subject: SQL parser
   || Ahoj,
   || hledam SQL parser, ktery mi z SQL dotazu (s joiny)
   || dokaze sestavit seznam dvojic
   || tabulka-jmeno. Jinou funkcnost nepotrebuji.
   || Napr.
   || select a.id, a.nazev, b.cena, c.* from tabulka1 a
   || left join tabulka2 b on bla bla
   || left join tabulka3 c on bla bla
   || Vysledek:
   || tabulka1 id
   || tabulka1 nazev
   || tabulka2 cena
   || tabulka3 id
   || tabulka3 nazev
   || tabulka3 kategorie
   || tabulka3 atd.
   || Vim, ze k rozlozeni hvezdicky na seznam sloupcu je treba
   || spoluprace SQL serveru,
   || to je OK. Vite nekdo o necem, co by aspon castecne
   || resilo popsany problem? Ja
   || jsem sice neco stahl z internetu, ale na druhou stranu
   || bych nerad stravil nekolik dni
   || hledanim a zkousenim vsech nalezenych produktu.
   || D5E, FB1.0, IBX 4.52
   || Diky
   || David Lebeda